Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Chase!!!

I can not believe that my baby is 3 years old. I have no idea how it happened either, because I swear I just had him. As you can see from the picture below, he is about the cutest kid out there; no offense to all of your cute kids.

We started the day off with a trip to the Dairy Farm with the preschool. Even though Chase is not technically in preschool, he got to come because it was his special day.
Chase with his very best friend and partner in crime Skyler
Chase petting a 3 day old calf.
Britton petting a baby calf. The dairy farm was a hit and I think they may have even learned a thing or two. We followed the farm with a picnic in the park and since we have been lucky enough to have daddy home, he got to come too.
Later in the evening, we had a party and I decided to bake my very first cute cake. I have done regular cakes, but nothing like this. Thanks to the help of my friend Brittney, I accomplished it. I have to say, I think it turned out pretty cute.
My two cute boys!
Present Time!
Chase got a new big wheel, so he will hopefully stop stealing the neighbors.
Blowing out the candle. It took several tries and probably a lot of spit. YUM!
All of his presents.
I failed to mention that Chase was a little sick on his Birthday, but he still managed to have some fun. After all that parting you need a good nights rest.

Chase is happy, spirited, sweet, imaginative, loud, strong-willed, cuddly, and crazy. He makes us laugh everyday(except for those few moments where he tries his very hardest to send me to the crazy house). He has been a blessing in our lives everyday since he was born.


  1. Happy Birthday Chase!! He is so cute!!

  2. I can't believe he is three! He is so cute and your cake was amazing! I will be out in the middle of June and can't wait to see you (please tell me you'll be in town).

  3. Happy birthday Chase! I agree... he is pretty darn cute :)

  4. I can't believe how much he looks like Brady. I haven't seen him in such a long time. Glad he had a good birthday.

  5. That first picture of Chase is such a cute, cheesy grin. That will probably be one of your all time favs.

  6. Jamie!! I just found your from Aleesha's and I am so excited!! I haven't read any posts yet, just peeked at pictures of your cute fam, and checked out your layout...noticed today is your Anniversary. CONGRATS!!

    If you want into mine you have to email me (we are private). :)
