Friday, June 19, 2009

Free Car Wash!

We were at my parents house today and we decided there were a few things that needed washed!

This side of the car got washed and rinsed about 10 times and that was it! The rest of the car is still dirty, but we had fun!

Britton said that his bike was going to be so shiny that the girls were going to think he was awesome! He then chuckled and said "just kidding". :)

Who wouldn't want these cute faces washing their car or bike?

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Sweet Boys!

I have the cutest boys ever, have a look at some of our new pictures!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

In other news, Preschool Graduation!

Preschool Graduation! Preschool is over for the year and now it is time for summer planning.
Here is Britton with his Preschool teacher and me with my most favorite student! I loved having Britton in my class and I can't believe the year is already over. I am going to miss him so much, he made going to teach all the more worth it. I will never forget this experience with him. Next year it is Chase!

Singing songs!

Britton as Jack in "Jack and Jill"
Great Job Britton!

Crazy Lake Powell Vacation

Day 1

After a long night of travel, locking the keys in the car, and a broken window on the car (yes another one), we finally made it to Lake Powell! Sometimes I forget to rotate my photos, but look how cute Chase is in his new swim goggles.
A little swimmin the first day!
A storm blew in and it got a little cool, so we had to bundle up.
Chase keeping warm. Notice the bandaid? He scratched his nose.
Once the storm blew in, we had to find ways to entertain outselve inside the houseboat. And when I say storm, I mean 2 1/2 days of non-stop down pour with no breaks and cold weather.
So..........we played games, slept, and watched the sky for hopes of blue sky. There were none.
Ocasionally, the kids got tired of sitting in the houseboat and braved the rain to throw rocks into the water!
These were our neighbors, and we kept up out good spirts by being glad that we were not in tents =)

Playing in the rain!
Then warming up!
The boys played in the shower since it was to cold to get in the Lake. But the shower is lake water after all, so it was kind of like swimming!
Finally, it cleared up enough on the last two nights to build a camp fire!

Yay! on Day 4 we got sun and time for a little fun!
Until..........the boat broke down. Then Grandpa Trace had to pull us back to the houseboat.
And Shay and Brady.

I had to stay in the boat obviously and make sure that they were doing a good job=)

Once the boat was fixed we hurried as fast as we could to get some sking in before the next storm came in. Jamie Sking!

Brady wakeboarding!

Chase pretending to ski!

Britton getting ready to ski!

And my favorite part: Britton sking! He did so great! I was so proud of him. This was his second time sking because he did it for the first time in September. He was really nervous this time but he tried it just for his mom.

While we were there, we did get to celebrate Aunt Shay's Birthday! Happy Birthday Shalynn!

Day 5- Time to go home. As you can see another storm is blowing in.

Here it comes and it was crazy! Wind, HUGE waves, dead battery, flooded boat, falling children, wet adults, near drownings. You get the picture!

Scared Jamie
Frustrated Brady trying to fix the boat again!

All said and done, it was a crazy trip, but we really did have a lot of fun and relaxed a lot. However, all things considered we were happy we we arrived home without a hitch!