Thursday, July 29, 2010

Birthday Boys!

I have a great deal of blogging to do, so get ready for the posts to come fast and furious. I am starting with the boys birthday's. Poor Chase, his birthday was in April and I am just barely posting it, but that's how I roll so here it goes.

We started the day with a birthday pancake breakfast!

This was his favorite present from mommy and daddy and he had not stopped riding it since.

His one request was to go to Chuck E Cheese's. For those of you who know me well, it is NOT one of my favorite places, but how could I say no, it was his birthday after all. He had a blast!

Marina, Skyler, Chase, Gavin, and Britton

Britton's Birthday!

Britton's birthday was in July and we were trying to make it through without having a baby before his big Super Mario Party (Korver came 4 days later).
These were the mushroom cupcakes!
This was the prize box they received if they passed all the levels of our water games.


Part of the levels that they had to pass to move on to the next on. We had swimming, hula hooping, slip and slide and water balloon toss.

Britton in the Mario hats that we made!

Even his gifts were Mario.

Celebrating with Family.

His favorite present. He is becoming quite a good little roller bladder!

Happy Birthday Boys! I have the cutest 7 year old and 4 year old in the universe!


On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 we welcomed Korver J. Moline to our family. He was born at 5:01pm weighing 7lbs 5oz and measuring 20 in long. We love our baby boy so much. He is pretty adorable if I do say so myself. Britton and Chase are in love with their new baby brother.... a little too much. They want to hold, touch, and kiss him a lot. I think they are sick of their mom saying things like "Don't get to close" and "Don't touch the baby". I am so happy that they like him so much though; they are going to be great big brothers. This summer has been a bit of a whirl wind trying to fit in vacations, getting ready for this baby to come, and having him arrive. I do have many pictures to share of our summer fun, so stay tuned. And you better believe that there will be a lot more pictures of this little guy.